Saturday, February 26, 2011

W E L C O M E!!!!!!

I'm so very excited to finally present my very own BLOG!!!!!! yaaaaay *insert happy dance*!!!!!! The official name of the blogs is SUCK MY FASHION but since is was taken :( we will refer to it as KISS-MY-FASHION for now!!!! This site will be a glimpse of the WORLD through my SEXY SASSY STYLISH as I know it through FASHION, LOVE, ENTERTAINMENT, FRIENDSHIPS, and ETC.  I will be blogging about the things, people, and places I am passionate about.  I can't wait to share my experiences with you all.   Unfortunately I am computer illiterate but I am working on it....I promise to do better.  I am currently working on my 1st official post hopefully it will be up in a couple of days.  In the mean time, in between time, please enjoy what I have so far and see ya soon!!!!
Love Forever Always, ME!!!!


  1. I love it, thanks for bringing this to our attention...

  2. LOVE it!!!!!! Im proud of you!!
