Wednesday, May 25, 2011


I came across this interesting article on was perfect because I just got rid of some so called friends not to long ago....Read and tell me what you think.
Friends… How many of us have them? This statement is more complicated in meaning than simply the lyrics to a popular song from the 80’s. We interact with hundreds of people during a 24 hour day. Out of all of those people, how many of them can we say are truly our friends? How many of them have our best interest at heart? The bigger question here is how many of us can discern between a friend and a foe? Check out the following list of trademark foe behaviors that we often ignore when they are clear warning signals.
1. They Never Have Anything Nice To Say
This is deeper than one of your friends not agreeing with you. Your friends may not agree with everything that you wear or do and that is fine. However be cognizant of someone who is overly critical of you. This may be one of those people who feel that by bringing you down they uplift themselves. It gives them an orgasm every time they tear someone into pieces. They can then reign on their invisible chair of superiority.
2. They Mimic You
It is said that someone mimicking you is the highest form of flattery. In some situations that may be the case. However, when it comes to your friends it may mean that they are envious of you and this is how they display that emotion. It is okay to have a synergy where you two feed off each other and build each other up. However if this person is literally copying your behavior, style of dress, etc, then be cautious of how much you share with them. A perquisite of this behavior is that they may also be very quiet when they are around you. It is because they are observing you in order to jock your style later. Sure it might be cute at first, but when those displays of adoration transforms into full fledge jealousy, it won’t be displayed in such a mild way.
3. They Are Dismissive Towards You
This person will dismiss you constantly in order to be with their significant other. It is okay to be in love and your partner should be of importance, but if it this person always chooses to chase after a man/woman over spending time with you then reevaluate your friendship. Or better yet, they are not even committed to anyone. Instead they are chasing after penis/vagina and choose to put you on the backburner while doing so. They are expressing your level of importance to them.
4. They Need Something
This person only contacts you when they need something. I.E. “Hey girl I need you type my resume“or “Girl can I borrow your shoes?”, or “Hey man let me borrow your car”.  You never hear from this person until they are in need of something that you possess. They do not contact you to see how you are doing or to generally be in your company. We call these people opportunists. More than likely they are keeping you around because of something that you possess that they do not. Once they find a way to possess that item themselves, your services will no longer be needed.
5. Liars
Trust will be null and void when dealing with them because you will never know how they truly feel about you or anything else for that matter. These people are chameleons and can morph themselves into whatever the situation requires. They also never have an original thought. They lie in order to portray a certain image that they feel will aide them in getting their desires. They are the ultimate manipulators of words.
6. The Overly Cynical Person
These people are dream killers and should be avoided by the ambitious. They will pick holes in your ideas, plans and thoughts. They are your very own personal downer. They have no faith in you and your abilities. People like this should be kept at a distance because secretly they do not think very highly of you. In fact they may consider you to be a simple minded fool and that is why they feel that you will never be successful. But they only seem to be that way with you. You never see them doubting or criticizing the plans of others. Something about you and your choices gets their panties/boxers in a bunch. This also may be part of the reason why they keep you around. They enjoy feeling like they are smarter than someone and have chosen you to be their exclusive town fool.
For More LJ Knight Visit YeahSheSaidIt
As the years goes inner circle gets smaller and smaller and I am okay with that.  I'm learning to see right through people and their bullshit.  " When someone shows you who they really are.....believe them." It takes many years, broken friendships, and a whole lot of drama to grasp this concept.  Open your eyes people and be leery of people like this in your lives....they are definitely not a friend.  Friends don't make friends uncomfortable.  Don't be afraid to walk away from a 10+ years friendship or etc.  Life is to short to be wasted on anything thats not worthy!!!!! I want to know your thoughts......Due share

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